Dreams and Reality

In the absense of internal model, raw sensory inputs would remain meaningless.

  • Our brains are capable of generating the most realistic reality shows.
  • We dream up alternative realities constantly; the brain projects hypotheses and interpretations on the outside worls. Only the most likely model makes it to consciousness.
  • For example every image in our retina is ambiguous. The brain computes probabilities and the most likely model s accepted.
  • owl

    Pure learning without prior constraints is impossible.

  • Learning always starts with a set of prior hypothesis, which are projected onto incoming data.
  • The agent selects those models which are best adapted to the current environment.

  • At birth babies brains are already highly organized and contain a vast amount of prior knowledge (models). For example:

  • the world is made of things;
  • things have properties;
  • there are differences between animate and inanimate objects;